From the beginning, man was designed to live life to the fullest. Surviving on the nutrients, vitamins and minerals naturally found in our fruits, vegetables and meats.
For hundreds of years, farmers have forgotten the basic rule of farming to rotate crops and let the land replenish itself every seven years. Instead, farmers began to take short cuts and grow the same crops in the same field year after year, until the plants failed to produce. Farmers then added chemicals to give the earth the nutrients it needed. Scientist discovered synthetic chemicals that look the same and were cheaper, so the farmers began using them.
According the AMA (American Medical Association), today our fruits, vegetables and meats have little or no nutritional value. Therefore, the AMA recommends taking supplements to meet our dietary needs. Unfortunately, the same synthetic chemicals used in farming are used in most commercially produced supplements.
The AMA has now announced that the synthetic chemicals are foreign to our bodies and create free radicals. Too many free radicals are known to cause cancer and other diseases.
There is a solution. Natural, proven, patented supplements are now available, backed with a money back guarantee. A recent Freiberg Study, proved the reduction of blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, free radical, inflammation and more within one hour by taking these supplements.
But our problems don’t end with our food. The EPA did a 15 year study of women. They determine that women working in the home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer then women working outside the home, due to the toxic cleaning chemicals. Over 80,000 chemicals are found in our cleaning products and food but only a few hundred are deemed safe.
I’ve dedicated my work to helping people live healthier lives. Taking supplements to meet our dietary needs while eliminating toxic cleaning chemicals, is a great “one-two” punch, helping people to get on a great track in life. After all, healthy living begins with you.
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